Portfolio Portfolio AllGiclée Prints on PaperPrints on woodIcons of Christ & Mother of GodIcons of Holy AngelsIcons of Christian SaintsIcons of Feasts & Biblical ScenesGilded icons Christ Pantokrator, egg tempera on wood, 37 x 50cm, 2018Icons of Christ & Mother of GodView iconVirgin Glykophilousa with saints, egg tempera on wood, 37 x 54 cm, 2018Icons of Christ & Mother of GodView iconSaint Silouan the Athonite, egg tempera on wood, 25 x 30 cm, 2020Icons of Christian SaintsView iconNativity, egg tempera on wood, 45 x 56 cm, 2020Icons of Feasts & Biblical ScenesView iconVirgin Mary Oikonomissa, egg tempera on wood, 58 x 78cm, 2018Gilded iconsView iconVirgin Glykophilousa, egg tempera on wood, 30 x 40 cm, 2020Icons of Christ & Mother of GodView iconProphet Elias, egg tempera on wood, 25 x 30 cm, 2019Icons of Christian SaintsView iconBaptism of Christ, egg tempera on wood, 40 x 50 cm, 2020Icons of Feasts & Biblical ScenesView iconResurrection-The Descent into Hell, egg tempera on wood, 36 x 50 cm, 2019Gilded iconsView iconChrist Pantokrator, egg tempera on wood, 25 x 30cm, 2020Icons of Christ & Mother of GodView iconSaint Monica, egg tempera on wood, 25 x35 cm, 2020Icons of Christian SaintsView iconThe Descent of Christ into HadesGiclée Prints on PaperView iconSaints Raphael, Nicholas and Irene of Lesvos, egg tempera on wood, 35 x 48cm, 2018Gilded iconsView iconVirgin Glykophilousa, egg tempera on wood, 25 x 30 cm, 2020Icons of Christ & Mother of GodView iconSaint Joachim of Ithaca, egg tempera on wood, 28 x 33 cm, 2020Icons of Christian SaintsView iconAnnunciation, egg tempera on wood, 40 x 50 cm, 2021Icons of Feasts & Biblical ScenesView iconSaints Constantine and Helen, egg tempera on wood, 30 x 40 cm, 2021Gilded iconsView iconChrist Pantokrator, egg tempera on wood, 25 x 30 cm, 2020Icons of Christ & Mother of GodView iconSaint Basil the Great, egg tempera on wood, 37 x 54 cm, 2018Icons of Christian SaintsView iconThe Last Supper, egg tempera on paper,73 x 64 cm, 2020Icons of Feasts & Biblical ScenesView iconSaint John the Evangelist, egg tempera on wood, 46 x 46cm, 2016Gilded iconsView iconSaint Michael the Archangel, egg tempera on wood, 25 x 30 cm, 2020Icons of Holy AngelsView iconSaint John the Baptist, egg tempera on wood, 25 x 30 cm, 2020Icons of Christian SaintsView iconBetrayal of Jesus by Judas, egg tempera on paper, 62 x 82 cm, 2020Icons of Feasts & Biblical ScenesView iconSaint Luke the Evangelist, 46 x 46cm, 2016Gilded iconsView iconSaint Gabriel the Archangel, egg tempera on wood, 25 x 30 cm, 2020Icons of Holy AngelsView iconSaint Anthony the Great, egg tempera on wood, 25 x 30 cm, 2020Icons of Christian SaintsView iconDeposition from the Cross,ink and egg tempera on paper, 62 x 82 cm, 2019Icons of Feasts & Biblical ScenesView iconAnnunciation -detail, egg tempera on wood, 46 x 46cm, 2016Gilded iconsView iconSeraph, egg tempera on paper, 30 x 40 cm, 2020Icons of Holy AngelsView iconSaint Luke the Surgeon, egg tempera on wood, 20 x 25 cm, 2020Icons of Christian SaintsView iconBurial Of Christ, ink and egg tempera on paper, 62 x 82 cm, 2019Icons of Feasts & Biblical ScenesView iconAnnunciation- detail, egg tempera on wood, 46 x 46cm, 2016Gilded iconsView iconSeraph, egg tempera on paper, 30 x 40 cm, 2020Icons of Holy AngelsView iconSaint Efraim the Syrien, egg tempera on wood, 25 x 30 cm, 2020Icons of Christian SaintsView iconVirgin Galaktotrophousa, egg tempera on wood, 30 x 40 cm, 2017Gilded iconsView iconSeraph, egg tempera on paper, 30 x 40 cm, 2020Icons of Holy AngelsView iconSaint Andrew the Apostle, egg tempera on wood, 30 x 40 cm, 2020Icons of Christian SaintsView iconSaint Porphyrios of Kavsokalivia, egg tempera on wood,30 x 40cm, 2018Gilded iconsView iconSeraph, egg tempera on paper, 30 x 40 cm, 2020Icons of Holy AngelsView iconSaint Nicholas, egg tempera on wood, 25 x 30 cm, 2020Icons of Christian SaintsView iconSaint George, egg tempera on wood, 35 x 48 cm, 2017Gilded iconsView iconSeraph, egg tempera on paper, 30 x 40 cm, 2020Icons of Holy AngelsView iconSaint George, egg tempera on wood, 20 x2 5 cm, 2020Icons of Christian SaintsView iconSaint John Chrysostomos, egg tempera on wood, 30 x 40cm, 2020Gilded iconsView iconHoly Cross with Angels, egg tempera on paper, 36 x 36 cm, 2020Icons of Holy AngelsView iconSaint Demetrius, egg tempera on wood, 20 x 25 cm, 2020Icons of Christian SaintsView iconSaint Panteleimon, egg tempera on wood, 35 x 48cm, 2016Gilded iconsView iconSaint Anysia of Thessaloniki, egg tempera on wood, 20 x 25 cm, 2020Icons of Christian SaintsView iconSaint Helen, egg tempera on wood, 35 x 48cm, 2017Gilded iconsView iconSaint Alexander, egg tempera on wood, 20 x 25 cm, 2020Icons of Christian SaintsView iconChrist Pantokrator, egg tempera on wood, 30 x 40 cm, 2017Gilded iconsView iconVirgin Mary with Saints, egg tempera on wood, 35 x 48 cm, 2017Gilded iconsView iconSaint Nicholas, egg tempera on wood, 35 x 48cm, 2017Gilded iconsView iconSaint Andrew the Apostle, egg tempera on wood, 27 x 33 cm, 2017Gilded iconsView iconSaint Macarius of Egypt, egg tempera on wood, 20 x 25 cm, 2020Gilded iconsView iconHoly Cross with Angels, egg tempera on wood, 25 x 30 cm, 2021Gilded iconsView iconSaint Zafirios, egg tempera on wood, 25 x 30 cm, 2021Gilded iconsView iconSaint Irene of Lesvos, egg tempera on wood, 28 x 50 cm, 2018Gilded iconsView iconSaint Paraskevi from Epivates, egg tempera on wood, 28 x 50 cm, 2017Gilded iconsView iconVirgin Mary, egg tempera on canvas glued on wood panel, 26 x 45 cm, 2017Gilded iconsView iconSaint John the Baptist, egg tempera on canvas glued on wood panel, 26 x 45 cm, 2017Gilded iconsView iconSaint Philip the Apostle, egg tempera on wood glued on wood panel, 26 x 45 cm, 2017Gilded iconsView iconSaint Luke the Evangelist, egg tempera on canvas glued on wood panel, 26 x 45 cm, 2017Gilded iconsView iconSaint Matthew the Evangelist, egg tempera on canvas glued on wood panel, 26 x 45 cm, 2017Gilded iconsView iconSaint Thomas the Apostle, egg tempera on canvas, glued on wood panel,26 x 45 cm, 2017Gilded iconsView iconCrucifixion, egg tempera on paper, 62 x 82 cm, 20202Icons of Feasts & Biblical ScenesView iconThe Martyrdom of Saints Perpetua and Felicitad and of those who confessed together, egg tempera on wood, 40 x 50 cm, 2022Icons of Christian SaintsView iconThe Martyrdom of Saints Eustathiou and Theopisti, Agapitou and Theopistou, egg tempera on wood, 40 x 50 cm, 2022Icons of Christian SaintsView iconDescent of Christ into HadesView iconSeraph (Green)Giclée Prints on PaperView iconSeraph (Blue)Giclée Prints on PaperView iconSaint GeorgeGiclée Prints on PaperView iconSaint DemetriusGiclée Prints on PaperView iconChrist PantokratorGiclée Prints on PaperView iconSaint StephenGiclée Prints on PaperView iconThe Descent of Christ into HadesPrints on woodView iconThe Last SupperPrints on woodView iconSeraph (Green)Prints on woodView iconSeraph (Blue)Prints on woodView iconChrist PantokratorPrints on woodView icon